蘇澤朗(《家庭觀光》)、鄧亮宏(《泅水課》)、黃文禮(《海水泡的茶是什么滋味》)、楊哲霖(《遠洋》)、陳堅杭(《 The River that Holds My Hand》)、莊燦杰(《珊瑚她在等》)6位青年導演終極勝出,分辨取得20萬元創作攙扶金。此甜心寶貝包養網外,陳家操(《中狀元》)、溫柏高(《錦鯉,錦鯉》)、陳曉璐(《夢境“瓜嶺”布魯斯》)、鄧惠芝/張元(《馬仔夢露》)獲導師評審團特殊推舉,博得7萬元至12萬元不等的創作攙扶金。
Plot Synopsis of “Migratory Bird”
The story took place in the early summer of 2018 in Hong Kong. Tian Tian, an eight-year-old boy, has a father who is a Singaporean Chinese and a mother from Meizhou, working in Hong Kong. The two of them met, fell in love, and had Tian Tian in Hong Kong.
However, his mother was recently diagnosed with early-stage dementia, while his father was transferred back to Singapore due to work changes. In order to take bette女大生包養俱樂部r care of his wife and son, Tian Tian’s father decides to have them move to Singapore together.
However, Tian Tian’s mother is reluctant to leave her own father who lives alone in Meizhou, so she brings Tian Tian’s grandfather to Hong Kong with the intention of leaving for Singapore together. Unfortunately, even Hong Kong proves to be difficult for the grandfather to adapt to, and he refuses to go to Singapore with Tian Tian’s mother before departure.
On the last day before their dep包養網arture from Hong Kong, an unexpected incident occurred. A migrating goose, separated from its flock, flew into Tian包養俱樂部 Tian’s home but unfortunately collided with a window and died. Tian Tian pleaded for his grandfather and mother to bury the goose together. In response to his request, the family embarked on a brief family trip across the mountains and seas of Hong Kong.
Tian Tian’s grandfather remin包養甜心網isced about the past, describing包養網 the mainland to Tian Tian, who had never been there before. Tian Tian’s mother pursued the future, while Tian Tian himself believed that the present moment of family reunion was the best time of all.
鄧亮宏,廣東深圳人包養網,結業于美國天普年夜學片子制作專門研究。結業作品《消散的卡帶》曾獲Short Pole倫敦片子節最佳先生片子和最佳攝影獎。執導網劇《暗里沉迷》《聽花令》等。在片子《天賦游戲》《建筑師》和網劇《上海男子圖鑒》中擔負副導演和后期導演。
Plot Synopsis of “Swimming Lesson”
While giving swimming lessons to his son, An Kang suddenly found himself transported b包養合約ack to a dream 包養網from his childhood. In that dream, His father would always secretly follow him to the riverbank where he took clandestine swimming lessons……
Plot Synopsis of “How Can I Rid My Mind of Her ”
The overseas Chinese tea plantation in the mountains was planning a retirement trip to the seaside for their senior employees. However, Ah Jian, a sixty-year-old tea picker, declined th包養一個月價錢e invitation. His reason was simple—he disliked the ocean.
In 1978, Ah Jian and his girlfriend boarded a crowded and dilapidated fishing boat, intending to return to their home country from Vietnam. On the night they were about to reach the port, his girlfriend disappeared from the fishing boat. For the past 40 years, Ah Jian has been searching and waiting for her. He still can’t understand why his girlfriend, who had such a fear of water and the sea, would leave him.
When Ah Jian learned that the destination of the retirement trip was the very port where his girlfriend had disappeared, he hesitated……
Plot Synopsis of “My Brother”
This is包養網評價 a story about seeking roots.
Yuan Yang and Chang were orphaned brothers. Chang always thought that he and Yuan Yang would rely on each other for life, until Yuan Yang unexpectedly knowed that his birth mother was in Hong Kong. In order to rai包養女人se money to go to Hong Kong, Yuan Yang spared no effort, while Chang was hesitant, and things gradually spiraled out of control.
It took them thirty years to cross mountains and seas before finally understanding where their roots lie.
Technology can take people to distant places, but it can not understand the hearts of the people in front of us.
《The River That Holds My Hand》劇情簡介
Plot Synopsis of “The River That Holds My Hand”
In a village along the Han River, an elderly woman named Lin Baohua, who has lived in Hong Kong for a long time, reveals her tumultuous fate, the ups and downs 包養金額of her family, and her longing for all things soft to a journalist during her visit. Struggling with anxiety, she finds temporary solace.
In Saigon, Vietnam, the documentary director embarks on a journey of exploration, holding a faded black and white photograph. Along the way, he encounters Xu Baohua, a spirited high school girl whose innocence, openness, and unconditional optimism for the future quietly touch him. Houses, temples, mountains, and rivers become reflections and passages between two remarkably similar delt宋微只好回道:「沒事,我就回來了解一下狀況。」as, where chance encounters and memories intertwine. In this overlapping reality, he l……oses track of where he truly is.
Plot Synopsis of “The Returning Island”
The distant Penghu and the local Liucheng are intertwined through an ancient legend of the iron chain laid down by the goddess Mazu.
Chen Le, coming from the military dependants’ village, returns to this unfamiliar homeland with a camera in search of the “Mazu ancestral portrait” spoken of by his grandfather. However, he encounters Xiang Gong Ah Bei who is unreliable. Chen Le, wanting to offer some guidance to Ah Bei, unintentionally causes him to make a mistake during the sea-worshipping ceremony, leading to conflict between the two. They then encounter Hai Yan, a girl who seemingly emerges from the “sea”. Ah Bei, who was wholeheartedly devoted to playing music, exerted all his efforts to participate in the competition, solely to catch a glimpse of his idol “WUTIAOREN”.
The question of “Where do visitors come from?” lingers in the minds of the three. Thus, an island exploration team called “The Crazy Squad” is formed. As they travel around the island, simultaneously working on Chen 又美麗又唱包養意思歌難聽?漂亮……歌聲……甜蜜?聲響甜蜜,Le’s documentary about local customs and searching for the secrets indicated by the mysterious book.
Faint wisps of incense waft gently, pages of book包養網s flutter in the wind, revealing a map that unravels destiny. Accompanied by the singing voice of Hai Yan, Ah Bei’s folk melodies resonated. Deep affection transcending time makes the connection between these two places closer. Searching for fragments of a folk song, we can hear echoes between the islands and the strait, resonating with the civilizations of boats, harbors, and tides. The grand summer draws to a close, and behind the secrets lies the guardianship of Chinese civilization and an unwavering bond that withstands the test of time and hardships.
Plot Synopsis of “The Puppetmaster”
Forty years ago, the South China Ferryman wandered in his dreams on the stage. A man’s heart has a pair of feet, and he will return across the mountains and across the sea.
A boat is carrying a man who is nearly half a century old. When he was nine years old, he left his homeland with his relatives and sailed to the South Seas far away. Re-stepping on his homeland, Leizhou, the memories of the past replayed scene by scene. At the age of nine, the boy was sent by his mother to learn to sing Lei opera in his relatives’ theatre class. Before learning the opera, his mother made him a “scholar’s hat” from the opera. The boy also knew about the plot of the opera “Beggar Raises a Top Scholar”.
When he went abroad with his relatives, he promised his mother that when he became an actor, he would come back and sing the opera for her.
Time passed like flowing water, when the boy set foot on his homeland again, he couldn’t even find his mother’s grave among the desolate mounds. Standing by the sea, amidst the sound of the waves, the man seemed to hear the cry of his nine-year-old self.
Plot Synopsis of “Reunite包養留言板d”
On a certain day in summer, the father, who had been bedridden for a long time, suddenly ran to the riverside early in the morning, burdened with heavy thoughts. Upon inquiry from his second daughter, he revealed that he had dreamt of his deceased wife a year a包養網go.
“After all this time, it’s the first time she has come to me in a dream, saying she will transform into a koi fish and swim to the Han River, blowing three colored bubbles, and that it will happen today,” said the father. The second daughter informed the eldest sister, the third sister and the fourth brother to discuss the matter, but they were unable to reach a consensus.
Each person though包養網pptt there were more pressing matters at hand, but none of them voiced their thoughts beforehand. The eldest sister desperately wanted to take this opportunity to have their fath包養er release creatures by the Han River on Buddha’s birthday, accumulating great virtues. The second daughter only wanted to orchestrate this “play” and fulfill their father’s “expectations”. The third sister wanted to “trick” their father into going to the hospital for a comprehensive check-up. As for the fourth brother, upon encountering a fortune teller on the way, he became fixated on the number “three” mentioned by their father…
陳曉璐,結業于澳⼤利亞墨爾本⼤學影視傳媒專門研究。短片《Brakes》獲洛杉磯自力影展LAIFFA最佳短片和最佳先生導演,進圍平遠國際片子節平遠一角單位;腳本 《See Eyre Again》進圍紐約國際腳本獎;長片項目《海風過境》進圍華語國際編劇節,獲騰訊影業NEXT IDEA青年編劇年夜賽三等獎,上海國際片子節SIFF NEXT創投練習營; 擔負影片《The Age of Imitation》結合制作人,《暴台灣包養網雪將至》導演助理,《猖狂的外星人》視效和諧制片。
Plot Synopsis of “Fantasy Blues of ‘Gua Ling’”
On 包養網a summer afternoon,two companions accidentally entered an ancient village. Guided by a mysterious old woman’s cryptic words, they unknowingly broke into a fantasy moment combined with realism and a sense of magic, and witnessed the dreamlike village “GuaLing” at sunset along with its unique scene of a “blues” tribute.
Plot Synopsis of “Bring Him Back”
The young boy Ma Zai, triggered a series of comical events as he tried to help his mysterious grandfather find “Marilyn Monroe”. To his surprise, he discovered a deep connection between himself and “Monroe” his grandfather spoke of. Before his 第一章grandfather passed away, the hearts of the grandfather and grandson finally drew closer because of this revelation.
出品人|杜傳貴 林海利
總監制|孫愛群 孫璇 胡泉 林如敏
brand運營|李艷文 朱帆包養 蔣錚 鄭華如
傳佈履行|李麗 胡廣欣 艾修煜
視覺design|Riverside Studio